Sound Sleeping: Adult Couples Find Comfort in Separate Twin XL Beds

Sleeping in separate beds has a stigma behind it that your relationship is struggling, however, the results are quite the opposite. It’s been proven that more and better sleep can improve mood and relationships with others.

It’s becoming increasingly popular among couples to break up in the bedroom. Sleeping alongside another human can prove to be cumbersome and may be the reason behind disrupted sleep cycles. Sleep is one of the most important factors to your overall health and issues like snoring, tossing and turning and differing schedules can contribute to loss of sleep and poorer quality of sleep.

Sleeping in separate beds has a stigma behind it that your relationship is struggling, however, the results are quite the opposite. It’s been proven that more and better sleep can improve mood and relationships with others.

Twin XL beds are growing in popularity among healthy couples seeking quality sleep. Some Twin XL beds can slide together to close the gap on intimacy when required.

Here are some reasons why couples may choose to sleep in separate beds:

Different Sleep Preferences

One partner may prefer a cooler or firmer mattress than the other. Twin XL beds allow for individual comfort and can significantly improve sleep quality.

Disrupted Sleep

Snoring, tossing and turning, or having different sleep schedules can disrupt a partner’s sleep. Separate beds can ensure that both partners get a good night’s rest.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions, like sleep apnea, may require separate sleep arrangements.

More Space

Twin XL beds provide more personal space in bed, which can be beneficial for couples who need more room to stretch out.

It’s important to note that couples who sleep in separate beds can still maintain a loving and intimate relationship. In fact, getting better sleep can improve overall well-being and strengthen a relationship. In fact, a survey conducted by the Better Sleep Council found that more than 25% of couples prefer separate sleep spaces, and that women’s sleep suffers more than men’s, citing that “women are more sensitive to their sleep environment”.


AFI Furnishings has you covered if you are ready to file for sleep divorce! Enjoy feelings of being well rested, bask in the increased bed space, fight less about snoring or sleep differences and finally get that desired undisturbed sleep that leads to a happy and healthy you!